You are currently viewing The total number of ships counted that sank in the Coast of Death amounts to almost one thousand

The total number of ships counted that sank in the Coast of Death amounts to almost one thousand

The Coast of Death houses the marine cemetery with the most shipwrecks catalogued in Spain.

Ships of all types lie at the bottom of these coasts: brigantines, galleons, sailboats, fishing boats, merchants, submarines, frigates, and … even crude oil tankers.

Practically all the cultures or civilizations that crossed the seas left remains in the Coast of Death, enriched in this way with an underwater archeology of incalculable value.

Naufragios registrados por Baña Heim y sus alumnos entre Arou y Punta Boi, una de las zonas más inclementes y peligrosas del litoral
Shipwrecks registered by Baña Heim and his students between Arou and Punta Boi, one of the most inclement and dangerous areas of the coast


The writer Hixinio Puentes, who works in the historical field, assures that “only the remains that rest on the continental shelf are known”. Beyond the border that separates this platform from the great Atlantic depths, known as Alén do Cantil by the sailors, approximately 60 miles from the coast, the heritage that may exist is unknown.


Just 35 minutes from LiresCa you can enjoy a beautiful and educational Historic Maritime Route in Camelle, held in the third quarter of the year.